Typical Booking: 60 - 135 minutes
HONORARIUM Negotiable $500-2500   or higher
Languages: English


Your audience will be uplifted, inspired, educated, encouraged and challenged in a productive way.

Play Productions are also available, the plays are Christian based, educational or may be designed to address abuse or assault subject matters. I can also write a play production based on your ideas or vision.

Additional Booking Notes

Rhonda Knight

Travel/Accommodations Details; the blanks are filled in based on what services are needed and where the service will take place. If it is a local engagement within the Atlanta metro area this portion does not apply.


2 at $_____ each $_____
• Ms. Knight and Personal Assistant/Materials Coordinator 
• Names traveling Rhonda Knight and Connie Blackmon or to be announced (TBA)
• ____________ Airlines
• Departs Atlanta on______________Time___________
• Returns to Atlanta on_______________Time___________


$90.-$200 . (per night)
• ___ night(s) stay
• Hotel is in __________________________
• Inquired with ______________________________________________          (4 up to hotels listed)


Total $_____
• $75. per day X 2 people

Speaking engagement, workshop or seminar:


• Podium
• Microphone – preferably a head/ear mic or lapel mic
• 2 6-8 ft. tables for Books, products,       T-shirts, pamphlets etc.

NOTE- My assistant will manage the table(s)

• Autograph signing table for Ms. Knight


• 1 Hour time frame set aside after the event for autograph signing
• Waiting room with bottled water, fruit or light snacks, beverages

Speaking Engagement or Workshops -

1 hour each, Special 2 hours

Seminar – 2 hours with a 15 minute break. Usually 2 or 3 days

National/International Speaking/Book signing Tour:

Ms. Knight speaks for about 15-20 minutes and then does a short Q & A and next the book signing occurs.

NOTE: 2-4 volunteers needed as well depending on number expected to attend. You must have at least 30 people minimum up to unlimited maximum in attendance. 

To host a Speaking and Book Signing event we ask that you cover airfare for 2, hotel accommodations, auto travel related to event and stay and per diem. Ms. Knight does not charge for speaking (for book signing only) however a love offering or honorarium is appreciated as it helps her to continue with the ministry of the book(s). This event can be free to the general public however some hosting venues may charge a reasonable fee at the host's discretion.

There is an honorarium for
motivational speaking/ministry of $500.-$2500+

Play productions:

Require a stage/platform, furnishing, props, lapel, ear or head mics, lighting and sound, dressing rooms, water/beverages and fruit/snack trays in dressing room.                 A detailed list of what the booking party must supply will be provided prior to show. A time frame to rehearse in the performance venue and a separate dress rehearsal is mandatory.

Outside events: 

Will require a tented area that is blocked off for crowd control and two or more 6-8 feet tables and chairs to accommodate our needs. Plenty of bottled water/beverages and snacks. Please provided a fan if possible.

Any additional needs will be determined based on each individual situation.



send an email by filling out the form below


​​HUMS-Uplifting Hearts, Minds & Souls: www.h-u-m-s.org


Rhonda Knight Certified Peer Specialist - Mental Health: www.rhondaknightcps.com                             678 499-9523            

Book: Rhonda Knight

Phone: 678 667-2311

Email: rhondaknight@bookrhondaknight.com